So lately I published my first npm package. It gave me immense joy to share it with you here. But it's not something I was planning to do. Things happen you know. Quickly and unexpectedly. I was working on a MEAN stack project for the last 2-3 months. When working on the backed of stuff, I was going on creating files and doing the same or somewhat same set of codes over and over again. If it's something related to user, then the file name of the controller is user.controller.js and the service file name is user.service.js. With method, names are getUser, or getUsers, or deleteUser. And if it's on some other stuff, say a device, most of the logic remains the same, except this time the name of the method and files changes to deleteDevice and device.controller.js etc. You get the point. So which means I am wasting a lot of time on somethings that I could automate, time which I could easily focus on optimizing the code and making it bug-free. So I wanted to hav...
My personal workaround to many of the issues we see around us and other stories