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Showing posts from June, 2020

NUOREACT - Nuomorphism in react simplified

Last month (i.e May of 2020), during the lockdown, I started wandering over the npm community and the ways to build an npm package, so that I have my signature on the open-source world. I was working as a full stack developer then, and my front-end work was in reactjs. Initially, I was frightened to develop something in react but then I fall in love with the idea of reactjs.  My work became my hobby and loved the idea of reusable components with less amount of code. The component re-usability and the ease of developing one ignited an idea of another npm package. But unlike last time ( LNFC ), I was not so set on building one npm package for react components. So I started learning how to create one and then managed to do so. The package is called nuoreact, simply an acronym for nuomorphism and reactjs. Nuomorphism is a design concept, that is well explained in this blog post  here I was intrigued by the concept of nuomorphism, and the mediocre nuomorphism component packages in react, en

My experience with firebase

I started using firebase for one my project for the past couple of weeks now, and it has its ups and downs to say. Initially, I had a very warm relationship with firestore and authentication when I used the later for one of my world cup prediction app. Which after a little bit of struggle I managed to make it work. I thought this is cool. I should use it more often. Then I created a blood donation app using firebase this time, using its authentication and as well as a firestore feature to store the info relating to the blood groups of persons who are registering to the app. But then I see problems. I see that its not easy to take the counts of people who have O +ve blood, you just need to keep that glued in somehow (I used a counter variable if you ask me!), and then needs to update two or three places in order to run the app smoothly(hey, its NoSQL what do you expect!). I was running the code here and there updating the firestore DB multiple times increasing my read and wr

The hassle of firebase in flutter

I recently did a firebase integration in flutter to enable cloud messaging services in my app. I guess you all know what it means. The power of customized, fast notifications in my flutter app. I thought being firebase and being flutter has its own perks (since both is backed by Google). But in reality it's not that easy. I wanted to integrate androidX support inside my android folder for the flutter app to work. Well the official doc of integrating firebase to flutter is good( ), but it does not provide you with the full details though. Apart from the steps described in this doc. I followed some more steps to achieve what I was looking for. In the app level build.gradle file, under the dependencies section, i added the following implementation 'androidx.multidex:multidex:2.0.0' then the 2 lines which includes  androidTestImplementation under dependencies section is changed to the following. androidTestImplementation 'com